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What are the advantages of exchanging goods for advertising ?

Financially unbeatable

The exchange of goods for advertising conquers companies for its exceptional financial convenience.

Buying advertising by paying with your own products allows you not to commit to the use of company liquidity . This feature makes the exchange of goods for advertising an exceptional tool from a financial point of view and the companies that use it regularly reap enormous benefits.

Lower costs

Curb production costs to regain competitiveness.

Many companies are forced to overproduce to take advantage of less expensive procurements and to spread fixed costs over a greater number of products. In this way, they manage to achieve the minimum competitiveness necessary to face the market but at the same time create surplus stocks that the exchange of goods for advertising can dispose of.

Valuation of surpluses

Surpluses are always a problem. Bartering solves this.

In a globalised world, where everything evolves faster than our thinking, products risk becoming obsolete extremely quickly. The exchange of goods for advertising allows you to convert surpluses into advertising and to achieve a double advantage!!!

Transparent self-financing

Thanks to media bartering, it is possible to borrow without negative effects on the rating.

The exchange of goods for advertising is a form of low-cost, clear and crystalline self-financing, which does not affect credit lines that have been granted and will never negatively affect your company’s rating in the event of new financial needs.

Accurate Inventories

Thanks to the exchange of goods, it is possible to present financial statements with real inventories.

In most cases, at the end of the year, inventories represent a fiscal problem. Buying advertising in exchange for goods helps to reduce the final value of your fiscal warehouse..

A new sales channel

If used well, media bartering is configured as a real sales channel.

The goods accepted for payment are sold at points of sale with access restricted to members only, attentive loyal buyers, able to generate feedback.

How Bartering Works

Exchange of Goods for Advertising

Determining goals

When a company is about to plan an advertising campaign, it never does so aimlessly. It has very specific objectives in mind that can be the most varied: the launch of a product or a brand, the penetration of a specific market area, the increase in sales in a given period of the year, the collection of feedback. Also in the exchange of goods for advertising, the determination of the objective is essential for the selection of suitable advertising media.

Exchange of Goods for Advertising

identify advertising media

Advertising media are the communication tool used in planning the advertising campaign and we have an infinite number of tools at our disposal. Depending on the objectives and the budget, we will identify the most suitable tools for their achievement.

Exchange of Goods for Advertising

Campaign planning

The system of advertising in exchange for goods does not mean settle with what you get!

Once the objectives, the targets, the means have been identified, it is necessary to understand how to use these means, to process the subjects, to decide when to send our message through the identified advertising means. Understanding the day of the week to publish in a newspaper or the time to air a TV or radio commercial is not a question of availability or price. It is the result of a careful analysis possible thanks to our experience.

Exchange of Goods for Advertising


Yes… at this point, we have exhausted the activity of the classic advertising agencies and we express ourselves in our true nature as a Barter Company.

We examine the goods, products and services that the company wants to give us as payment, we agree on their value and quantities, we relate them to the value of the planned advertising campaign and we carry out the actual exchange of goods for advertising: we buy the spaces as planned, these spaces are sold to companies and for payment, we collect the goods as agreed.

Exchange of Goods for Advertising

Choice of products

One of the main doubts for the companies that first evaluate the opportunity to buy advertising in exchange for goods is linked to the type of products that they can give to the Barter in payment. We can’t tell you what the other Barter Companies do … but we can tell you about our philosophy:

any product and/or service has its own market. Therefore, the onus is on us to identify the market for the product that the customer wants to give us advertising goods in exchange. Whether it is dog food or diamond rings, shoes or cleaning products, wine or sunscreen, cars or scooters, the requirements are mutual satisfaction in evaluating the goods and the timeliness of the product. .

Exchange of Goods for Advertising


At this stage, the problem of monetising the value of goods is all ours and to fulfil this function we have created a sales network whose access is guaranteed only to members. In this way, we do not compete unfairly with the traditional sales network, the philosophy underlying good coexistence as well as the exchange of goods for advertising. .

Adv Stores

They are real brick & mortar stores. They have darkened windows and can only be accessed with the ADV Card, an electronic badge issued to employees of affiliated companies and only after careful checks. The reason for this confidentiality is very simple: not to create problems for the client company and its sales network and not to create damage to the client’s image. Foreign executive customers Over the years we have come into contact with numerous foreign companies where we offer the products received in exchange for advertising. Often, thanks to these customers, companies have had the opportunity to evaluate new markets they had not contemplated, sometimes starting new sales channels in new countries.

Exchange of Goods for Advertising
In brief

The advantages of the Bartering for Advertising in bullet points

Exchange of Goods for Advertising  Benefits to corporate cash flow

Exchange of Goods for Advertising  Improvement of debt ratios

Exchange of Goods for Advertising Efficient cost rationalisation
Exchange of Goods for Advertising Speed up stock turnover

Exchange of Goods for Advertising  It does not affect the granting of credit lines

Exchange of Goods for Advertising It creates opportunities for new foreign markets
Exchange of Goods for Advertising Less debt on the balance sheet

Exchange of Goods for Advertising  More accurate final inventories

Exchange of Goods for Advertising It preserves corporate liquidity


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